Respect The Reviewer 2: How to Find, Contact and Stay on the Good Side of Reviewers

Great article from the Happy Meerkat on Reviewer and author relationships.


Here’s the second Respect the Reviewer article I’ve written (the first can be read here).  This is for all authors out there.  While some tips might be obvious others you may not have thought of, either way I hope some of these tips will help you find a reviewer and go about contacting them the right way.  🙂

respect cat

All authors know the importance of getting book reviews. Not only can a good book review encourage others to buy your book but if you get enough of them your book will be listed higher on amazon (or so the rumour goes). But how can authors go about contacting reviewers? And what’s the right or wrong thing to say and do when asking and waiting for a review?

I’ve been reviewing books for some time now and take this ‘job’ very seriously. I recognise the need to give an informative and honest…

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4 thoughts on “Respect The Reviewer 2: How to Find, Contact and Stay on the Good Side of Reviewers

  1. I completely agree. I’ve just finished the first draft of my first book and am still a ways of finishing it, but I know if a book has no reviews it won’t get sold. in addition to a blog and other social media on the subject of my book I’ve started a newletter to build an email list. I’ll give the ebook away for free at first in exchange for reviews. I think it is worth it to give it away for that. When you don’t have a name yet you have to do something. Any other ideas?

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    1. When I gave out copies, I did not get reviews on each book I sent. Prepare yourself for that. Many people are just overwhelmed by that review button on Amazon and other locations. There are some review sites that will read your unpublished work and then you will have a review up on the day of launch. do not get rooked into paying for reviews. There is no need. It is not fair to the author. you should not have to pay for reviews.

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      1. Thanks – do you know the name of those sites? When I give out those free ebooks, they will read – in a nice way – that I’m doing it in exchange for a review. I realize some may not. I can’t exactly chase them down. But I think if I go over the process and if they know how important it is, they might. These will be people who have been reading the newsletter and some I will been communicating with for awhile. It has made me a lot more conscious of leaving reviews for books I buy because I do get most of my books through amazon. So maybe if the seed is planted in their head – and remind them in the newsletters it might help get more. I know it matters for sales. I read reviews before I buy unless I’m already familiar with the author.

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