About Vicki and Sojourner

I am Vicki Goodwin, the mother of three adult children and the grandmother of thirteen. Yep, you read that right, (13). The seven-year-old aids me in writing children’s book reviews by sharing her opinion. I have been known to do face time with the eight-year-old in Michigan for her more educated opinion. (She is in the third grade now) It warms my heart that there are so many bookworms in the family. The six-year-old has just begun to write stories for her Grandma.

I hang out during the day with my Australian Shepherd, Beau. I enjoy posting about him when he does something clever, like going on patrol with the nerf gun. Beau is also known as the family boyfriend because he is such a lover boy.  He is also a bit camera shy.

2016-07-11 16.28.55

Beau Goodwin 9 years old


Arrow Goodwin 2007-2016

Arrow is now an angel. She sits on my desk now to continue to be my muse. My daughter ordered this little angel to help my heart heal. It is working.

I live in the United States. Residing in Kentucky after living forty years in Alabama. My son Ellis and his six children live near Birmingham. My oldest daughter Angie is in Kentucky; with her husband and their three children. My daughter Casey resides in Michigan, with her husband and their four children. For the ten years between Alabama, and Kentucky, I lived in Arizona. I loved it there. While in Phoenix, I found my wings, the desert, and my voice.

I spend more time than I should admit reading.  I like many different genres of books.  I am not too fond of outright horror, as I am alone sometimes and it scares me. I have recently discovered a love for thrillers and more interest in fantasy than I would have imagined. Update, I have found that some horror novels are quite interesting to read.

As for my book reviews, I read more books than I post reviews on The Page Turner. Shorter versions of all my book reviews are on Goodreads. Since I do not want to publicly denigrate anyone’s work, I do not, as a rule, post low scoring books.  I post reviews and recommendations for book receiving 3, 4, and 5 hearts or stars.

I am active on Goodreads.com  so much of the day because I love to find new titles to add to my “to be read” list. Please, look me up, and add me because I love sharing books. I am listed as Vicki Turner Goodwin. I hope you enjoy the posts.

Sojourner McConnell

Who is Sojourner McConnell?  She is my pseudonym for the books and articles I write.   Sojourner is always writing. She has at least three works in progress at any given time.

I first self-published in 2012 a book called The Path of the Child. That book along with the rest that followed are available through Amazon, Books a Million and Barnes and Noble. I’ve been working on short stories and has been accepted into several anthologies. The next Christmas anthology will be for charity and I am excited to be writing that one now.


Who’s That in the Cat Pajamas? which is my first children’s book is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and Books a Million.

*UPCOMING* I am once again working with the illustrator Ellie Barrett on my second children’s chapter book When a Pachyderm Comes to Visit. This will be the second book in the Dolcey series and will be out September 26, 2017. Watch for pre-sale specials.

Thank you for taking the time to read and get to know more about both aspects of me. I want to get to know you as well. 🙂 Please, come back soon, and see what I am working on next. I will be visiting other blogs. Perhaps our paths will cross again. I truly hope so!

I would appreciate you following my blog with Bloglovin.


139 thoughts on “About Vicki and Sojourner

  1. Vicki, thank you for all of your wonderful shares. The Page Turner is awesome and so are you! How lucky it is to learn so much from your indepth book reviews (and more) . I enjoy your posts always, with a good cup of coffee!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I finally made it here – thanks for the follow 🙂 I too enjoy reading often having more than one book on the go at once. Although I must say since I started blogging I find i do more reading of other’s posts than books. But currently I have two books going – a Wilbur Smith and a Tom Keneally about the life of Napoleon when he was in exile.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That sounds like a great topic. I do love a good historical read. I am glad you made it over 🙂 I struggle with the monthly Story a Day and blogging , plus I am working from the Daily Prompt book (another writing opportunity) while trying to rewrite my book. Reading time has been low for me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s a matter of prioritising, isn’t it. I imagine writing a book can be very time consuming. Good luck with it 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Hello Vicki,

    Just came over to “snoop” a wee bit. LOL. Thanks for stopping by my book promo blog. Since I live life in recovery, I also have a recovery blog as well. I am just LOVIN your blog here and now following! 🙂

    And thank you for connecting with me on social media too! XO Will have to share thoughts and book recommendations with each other …

    Author, Cat Lyon 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Vicki, thank you so much for liking my short fictions, and your blog site is wonderful. I now know were to visit when I want to discover really good fiction an nonfiction. And thank you for following and I now follow you. Karen 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you! Mine are 8 and will be 9 on August 20th. It is terrible to lose a dear family member like that. I hope mine live to be 17!
    These two guys, have become my little kids that do not grow up marry and move off. lol


  6. Hi, Vicki. Thanks for stopping by and for following my blog. I noticed in your blogroll one featuring animals. I recently posted a shot of my mini-lop bunny, Scout, searching through books in my bookcase. “Fur Ball Friday.” He’s a little cutie, named after one of my favorite fictional characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. Have you checked out a blogger named Stewart at Storyshucker? He doesn’t post a great deal, but his vignettes on life are worth the wait in between posts. He has “One Lovely Blog.”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I will search for Stewart the story shucker. I will come back and see how scout fares in the stacks. Lol. I love his name. Scout is a favorite of mine too!!


    1. Thank you so much for the kind and appreciated words. I do review on Amazon, but I enjoy expanding on my reviews here on my blog. I visited your blog and really enjoyed your sensitive post about Orlando. I read and enjoyed many of your posts. Thank you for your kind comment. 🙂 I look forward to seeing your posts often.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I didn’t realise that you have wrote your own book…thats amazing! Going to have a wee look for it now 🙂 got 4 songs raw recorded for this album im going to publish…so a few more to go…unfortunately to put an album online I have to price it at 99p (which will probably be 70cents)…if i find a way to put it up for free i will 🙂 lol

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I will be happy to link your album when you get it ready. I enjoy your music. I am trying to finish my second book. Lots of work getting it ready. I am sure it is the same with making an album. I look forward to hearing all your songs as you post them. good luck with the album! Keep us informed.


  8. Vicki, thanks for following me. I, too, am an avid reader though it is only thanks to my Grade 7 teacher. I don’t read books as much as I would like to anymore, but I get my fill just following some incredible blogs. I look forward to following you and seeing what you love to read and write!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I too love seeing what others are writing. I appreciate the follow! Thank goodness for 7th grade teachers that lite that spark of reading in young minds! 🙂 We are a family of readers, I was always invited to read with my grandfather in the living room after dinner. It is a wonderful memory.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I was trying to see if I could figure out where you are. I’m glad I came back here. I finally put 2+2 together on Sojourner as your pen name. Love that btw. That puts some context for me to follow. Thank you for being a friend – 13 grandchildren! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. According to a linguist I found on a blog yesterday, the southern accent is the closest accent in America to the original accent of the founding fathers. The southern accent is just slowed down into a twang. The fun things you find on blogs! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Delightful meeting you. We have much in common, including a love for books, 13 grand kids (from my four sons) and a fondness for Aussie Shepherds. I now have a great granddaughter – living in Phoenix. I look forward to reading more once I catch up with this long day on the Western Slope of CO. Peace!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I just signed up for the blogging U. I need that to increase my views and improve my blog. 🙂 I am glad I saw it there. I had only seen your blogging share post at first. 🙂


  11. I like your method of only posting reviews for books which are a three star and more! Very nice way to keep positive!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for following!

    Peace, Tamara

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I was high school history teacher 33 years. Children’s books are so important. I could tell which teens did not have home nurturing with children’s books. They were 2 – 4 years below reading level in the 11th grade. Thanks for your recent visit to my blog.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am fortunate enough to have a book sniffer. She kills me. She hurries to smell the new books when they arrive in the mail. isn’t that a sign of a bookworm? ❤ Her mother and I certainly do! Good to have great caring teachers willing to do the hard work with children for 33 years.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. aww this is so cute… I wish my Grandma had a blog.. but she can’t learn computer :/ Wonderful to read your blog, some great reviews. I am sending you a request on Goodreads 🙂 Keep this up 🙂 You are an inspiration 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I enjoyed your blog too. I saw that you were going the traditional route. I hope you are getting positive responses. I hope you will let me know when you publish. I would love to give a review. 🙂 Thank you for visiting. Come back often. I will be checking back with you too.


  14. Sweet friend, you have been ON my mind! I hope all is well and blessed your way and came to see WHATCHA Been Up To? If and when you are ready for a New Read? I have an amazing new Popular Canadian Author who has a fantastic new release I just finished titled; “The Perils of Autumn”… I’d be happy to send you for a possible read-review??

    Look forward to hearing from you. I MISS YOU!! XoXo ✨✨🙏💕😸

    Catherine Lyon


  15. Your website is educational and enjoyable reading. Thank you for the time you put into it. I feel I must have missed some pages. I would appreciate knowing how to submit a book to you for a review.


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