The Page Turner’s Liebster Blog Award on May 1st!

I am honored to be nominated for this award.
I am extremely grateful to Diane at Book Meets Girl blog for nominating me for this award.

Thank you so much!

Leibster award 5-1-17

The rules of this award:

1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.

2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.

3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 11 blogs.

5. Notify those blogs of the nomination.

6. Give them 11 questions to answer.


11 Questions For Me from Diane:
1.  What is the first book you remember actually choosing and reading yourself?

My Life by Helen Keller

2. What is your favorite food?

Spring rolls

3. How do you feel about T.V.?

It sits in my room, but I can not remember the last time I turned it on.

4. Who is your favorite Disney Character?

Gosh, They have such wonderful ones. I think I especially loved Anna in Frozen the most.

5.  Minions, Marvel, D.C.?

Minions I suppose.

6. Where is your favorite place to read?

In Bed with my fleece blanket pulled up to my chin and my dog by my side.

7. What is your favorite book(s)!

So many to choose from. Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux, TheBee Keepers Daughter by Jane Jordon, Jessica Lost her Wobble by J. Schlenker, Mona Lisa’s  Secret by Phil Philips, and Anything by Charles Dickens especially Great Expectations.

8. What is your favorite time of the year?

I love the weather in spring, the holidays in Fall and Winter, and the heat of Summer. Spring wins.

9. How do you feel about the current adult coloring book hobby?

It can be relaxing.

10.   Where would your dream
house be located?

On a cruise ship.

11.  Cooked fish or Sushi?

I have not decided if I am going to eat fish or not.  If I did, it would be cooked. So far I have had no fish.

11 Facts about me:

  1. I have recently become a  vegetarian.
  2. I love Indie Music especially Run River North.
  3. I love to talk about everything.
  4. I love dogs and cats equally.
  5. I like to sing and dance to make the grandchildren laugh.
  6. I am a terrible singer and dancer.
  7. I go to bed when I can no longer see the letters in the book or on the computer.
  8. I love visiting my family and seeing new places with them.
  9. My brother and sister and I are all 14 months apart.
  10. Letting people down is one of my biggers fears.
  11. If I could I would live in a huge house with all my children and grandchildren.

The 12 super spectacular Nominees:

  1. J. Schlenker@
  2. PBS @
  3. D. E. Haggerty @
  4. I Read What You Write
  5. Robbie @
  6. Joshua David Blog @
  7. Debbie @ Debs
  8. Deet’s Reviews @
  9. Jazz You Too @
  10. Christopher Fischer @
  11. Ann WJ White @
  12. Jen Med @

11 Questions for the Nominees:

  1. When did you find yourself interested in blogging?
  2. Do you schedule your posts or write and post?
  3. Where do you see yourself living after retirement?
  4. What’s the most fun book or movie you have enjoyed?
  5. What is your hobby?
  6. Is collecting an adventure or just clutter?
  7. How do you feel about cliffhangers?
  8. Have you ever remodeled a home?
  9. What animals would you love to have if you had space?
  10. What is one item on your bucket list?
  11. Do you have an embarrassing moment you can share?

I seriously had fun picking out my nominees, answering the questions, and forming questions I hope you will enjoy.

Thank you again, Diane, for the nomination!


A Lovely Award Nomination!


Blogger recognition award


Thank you, Robbie Cheadle from Robbie’s Inspiration for nominating me for this award. Robbie was sweet enough to nominate me for this as I was recuperating from Mystery Thriller Week.  I really appreciate you thinking of me.
Continue reading “A Lovely Award Nomination!”

500 Followers! Wow! I am so Honored!

I was about to log out for the night, and what happened when I checked my blog? I had 500 followers to start my day off right!  Thank you all and thanks to Kazelee28 for tipping me over to 501!


I can not tell you how thankful I am that you wanted to follow my blog. I am touched with the kindness and friendship that has been extended by everyone I have met here. WordPress is truly a wonderful place, filled with the cream of the crop when it comes to bloggers and visitors.

Thank you all again! I hope we keep visiting each other’s blogs and finding out more and more things we have in common.  I love you all! That is truly from my heart.
