Book Lover’s Tag – for Lovers of reading


Book Lover’s Tag – for lovers of reading

Robbie Cheadle, author, reader, mother, teacher, and blogger at Robbie’s Inspiration, tagged me in this Book Lover’s Tag Tour. You can read Robbie’s answers to the Book Lover’s Tag post here:

As an avid reader, I just had to participate. Thank you for inviting me, Robbie!


Do you have a specific place for writing?

I mainly write on my computer in the computer room. as I am usually alone during the day and I tend to stay up late at night, I get a good bit of quality thinking / creative time.

Book mark or random pieces of paper?

I use scraps of paper and book marks, and many times envelopes. I realize I am hungry, thirsty or need to take Beau out for a potty break after hours of devouring books and grab up the first thing I find to mark my spot.

Can you stop anywhere or must it be at the end of a chapter?

I can stop anywhere. If I am invested in the story, I can pick right back up. If I decide to write or interact with the family, I might have to catch back up.  I am a bit of a flibberty gibbet. I bounce up and I bounce around, so I have to skim to find my last point.

Do you eat or drink whilst reading?

I do keep a bottle of water nearby. I do not eat while reading. I find it a distraction. When I read, I am all in.

Music or TV whilst reading?

Not usually. On occasion I have a song enter my head and dance around so I have to search it out and play it, but usually, I read in the quiet.  Otherwise, I am singing along not following the story.  I do sometimes listen to an audiobook while writing my own books. I listen to Thriller audiobooks and I write feel good fiction. So it somehow works.

One book at a time or several

I tend to have several going at a time. I keep a book on my bedside table for those have to hold a physical book in my hand moments, I keep one on my Kindle on my phone, one on my Kindle Fire, and one on my desktop in the Kindle reader.  I have to admit I have some also on iBooks on my phone.  I am not even going to mention the audiobooks I love to listen to.


Do you prefer to read at home or elsewhere?

I prefer to read anywhere I happen to be. I love that we can now read on the phone and Kindle as we stay mobile. It makes road trips so much more fun. Funny thing, I sometimes get carsick when reading on a long trip. Especially if there are curvy roads involved. Having a Kindle and phone means I can read at night without light.

Read out loud or silently?

I read silently, I will, however, scoff about a sentence and read it aloud to make myself laugh. My grandchildren think that is funny when I am in my room alone reading funny bits to myself.

Do you read ahead or skip pages?

It is quite funny, I am intimidated by massive books so I will skim a bit until I am involved, then I will go back and reread. If it is a bit slow at the start, I skim. I don’t ever read the ending first. I am a bit of a purist about spoilers.

Break the spine or keep it new?

I try to keep them looking beautiful. I love having them on my shelves after reading and I do not want them looking scruffy.

Do you write in your books?

I do not write in books. I have journals for note taking and reference.

What books have you read recently?

I have been really involved in Children’s books and so I have been a bit heavy on the children and middle-grade books. I also have been enjoying :

last read


All time favorite book?

Every time I open a book I run into the possibility of a new favorite, that’s how I found,  Jessica Lost her Wobble by J. Schlenker and The BeeKeepers Daughter by Jane Jordan. But Dickens is the torch bearer. He is the one that begins and ends the favorites at the end of the day.

Jessica Lost Her Wobble by [Schlenker, J.]The Beekeeper's Daughter

My nominations for the Book Lover’s Tag are:

Colin Garrow – Author and reviewer

Orangutan Librarian Reviewer extraordinaire

Book Club Mom Prolific reader and reviewer

If you want to join in, please answer the above questions, link back to this page and then tag three new book lovers.

Have fun!

Vicki / /Sojourner


Books by Sojourner:

Pre-order When a Pachyderm Comes to Visit now for only .99. Prices go up after the September 26th launch. Find out what Michael needs a fairy intervention about. Dolcey is ready to help Michael recapture his dream. Won’t you come along for the adventure?


Who’s That in the Cat Pajamas?  Book 1 in the Docley series. Meet Docley and find out how her special brand of magic allows children to find the answers they seek.  Fun for all ages.


The Path of the Child. The coming of age story about Melanie and her struggle for freedom, happiness, and an opportunity for a real life. Uplifting with strong characters.

The Path of the Child by [McConnell, Sojourner]

Find Sojourner McConnell on Facebook.

Find Vicki on Facebook


Stationary Book Tag


Today, I was surprised to be tagged and so  I am busy completing the Stationary Book Tag! Thank you, Jasmine, at How Useful It Is for tagging me! Her blog is a great mix of awards and really well-written book reviews. She has an impressive amount of book reviews on her blog. You should check her blog out.

Also, thank you RiverMooseReads for creating this awesome tag! Her blog is also a nice mix of book reviews and book tags.


The Rules:

  • Thank the creator: Sam @ RiverMooseReads
  • Answer the questions.
  • Add pictures! (If you want to)
  • Tag (about) 5 people.


Pencils || Favorite MG or children’s book


The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

Pens || A basic staple for any reader


Great Expectations, is a book every library should have. It is emotionally charged and wonderfully told. Want to see a review on this wonderful book? Here is mine.

Notebooks || What books do you own multiple copies of


The  Harry Potter Series .. I have the entire collection in paperback and hardback.

Markers || A book with a beautiful cover


I am reading this now and I am loving this cover. I will have my review up in a day or two.

Glue || Two characters that work well together even if they aren’t together

Hansel and Gretel, Otherwise known as drawing a blank.

Scissors || What book would you like to destroy

I can find something worthwhile in a book, even if it seems like it was written by high school students. That was my harshest review comment and it still haunts me that I was so hard.

Art kit || What completed series do you own


The Dark Spell series by Michelle Escamilla. wonderful series. Want to read a review on this series? Here is mine



C The Happy Meerkat @ Happy Meerkat Reviews

Stefanie  @ Your Daughters Bookshelf

Lauren @ Comma Hangover

Tookii @ Things to do With Kids

Cathy  @ Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory

This or That Tag



Thank you Sam @The Literary Sam for tagging me, Here is where I have to admit, I did not know what that meant when  I saw the Pingback.  I have been taught about tags now and will not be so slow on the uptake after this.  If you have not been to The literary Sam you need too.  She has a adorable baby on her about page.

Also, thanks to Ayunda @ Tea and Paperbacks for this really cute book tag.  This is my first of this kind. I am pretty excited to do it.

The Rules:

  • Mention the creator of the tag (Ayunda @ Tea and Paperbacks).
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you!
  • Choose one of the options, you don’t have to tell the reasons why you chose that but you can also do them if you want to.
  • Tag 10 other people to do this tag to spread the love! 

One: Reading on the couch or on the bed?

My  bed, because I can doze off and then pick right up reading where I left off.I can also listen to Audiobooks and use my timer.  For some reason if I am on the couch I feel like I have to sit up straight.

Two: Male main character or female main character?

I feel more understanding for the male than I do the female. As is the case of  John Thornton from North and South by Elizabeth Gaskill. I did not understand Margaret’s  negative opinion at all.

Three: Sweet snacks or salty snacks when reading?

Salty snacks for me. I like to eat trail mix while I am reading. But I do love when they sneak little m&m’s in there. 🙂

Four: Trilogies or quartets?

I do not enjoy cliffhangers. Maybe I am too old and worry that I will not live to see part 2 or 3, much less 4.  Not that I am paranoid. Were you thinking I was paranoid?

Five: First person point of view or third person point of view?

I like when I know what everyone is thinking.  I believe that is third person.

Six: Reading at night or in the morning?

I tend to read mostly at night and write during the day.  Then I sleep very little 🙂

Seven: Libraries or bookstores?

I have gotten spoiled by my local library. I blew through too much money on books in 2015. What do you do when on a budget?  You get a library card!

Eight: Books that make you laugh or make you cry?

I laughed all through Playing for Keeps by R.L. Mathewson.  I do love to laugh.

Nine: Black book covers or white book covers?

Gosh, I had to run look at my book case to see which I prefer. Seems I prefer black!

Ten: Character driven or plot driven stories?

Hard question. I love character driven books so much.  But I notice that  when I find a good plot, I just dig in for the long haul.


Klinta @BookOwly

Tony and Teti @ unbolt

Sophie @ Sophie Reads

Amanda @ Cover2CoverMom

Michelle @Michelle, Books and Movie Addict

Liam @ Hey Ashers!

Jill @ Rant & Rave About Books

FofoFl’or @ Hush Speak Softly


Prabhat @Dancing with Mosquitoes

Enjoy and let me know when you post so I can know more about you!  I am a very curious person, like a CAT!