Book Review: Shizzle, Inc by Ana Spoke

Shizzle, Inc (Isa Maxwell, #1)Shizzle, Inc by Ana Spoke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Isabella Maxwell, Isa, for short, was ready to graduate from community college when her world flipped upside down. She had her future all planned out and then, Flip.

While looking at all her options, she stumbled upon an advertisement for a position that seemed to answer all her hopes for stardom. As luck would have it, Isa was able to fast talk, double talk her way into the position at Shizzle, Inc.

Even though her life is in chaos she bumbles along using all her tricky thoughts and ideas to do her job. She even uses some fuzzy ideas and help from her dad. Mr. Hue is ready to take her under his wing and she is trying to stay with him.

Situations keep cropping up that make her life even more crazy and she just bumbles along. Isa tries to help her parents with their situation and she just keeps getting deeper and deeper.

This is one of my most favorite lines in this book.
“With his messed up hair and bulging eyes, he looked like Jack Nicholson from The Shining. I half expected him to bust out in “Here’s Johnny!”

As she attempts to help stop a huge problem from turning any more ugly she gets even more deeply over her head. Oh this woman is crazy and I loved reading about her. She is a wonderful colorful character.

Yes, the whole book is just that crazy. I can truly say I have laughed from page one and I am still laughing (even as I second guess her actions and thoughts) throughout the last chapter.

This is really a great story. I am so thankful that I won this book. It made me laugh and cringe and everything a good story should. Five stars for this book and I eagerly anticipate the follow up book.

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