NaNoWriMo Official Banner, Personal Invitation, and Buddy Request!


It is getting closer to Nano November. I am stoked that I made a decision about what project to take on. Which opened the floodgates of ideas.  That’s not exactly a good thing as it is much too early. I can’t write anything for 14 more days and I am worried about forgetting these little plot snippets.

I gave this a lot of thought.Personally, I am a pantser. I am not a plotter, I am not exactly sure what the acceptable and unacceptable points on plotting and planning are for Nano, so I continue to play little games with myself.  I have seen posts where people outline their book in the time leading up to Nano and others that say research is fine.  I am researching and thinking, but until 2 am this morning, I had not written anything down.  

 I decided to use creative license and send myself  a vague email with little hints in order to have them during my writing month.  It was the only way to turn off the questions roaming around in my easily stimulated brain and grab a few hours of sleep.

Need a buddy on the NaNoWriMo site? I would love to have you join me and share the adventure. Here is my Nano info! Vicki Goodwin Buddy Link.

Have you never written during NaNoWriMo and want to give it a try?

Sign up here at

The process is simple and simply fun. Thirty days, 50,000 words and a lovely certificate and special merchandise deals when you are declared a winner.  No editing, just writing! Editing and rewrites begin after you have your very own first draft of 50,000 words on December 1st.


NaNo Cat


Now I want to know your opinions. I also want to know if you are participating. 

  • Do you plot?
  • Do you plan?
  • Are you a pantser like me?
  • Are obscure emails to self permissible?
  • Tell me what you think?
  • Did you just sign up and need a buddy?
  •  Are you counting down the days?

I’d love to know how you prepare for NanoWriMo. Comment below and let me know your thoughts!  



13 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Official Banner, Personal Invitation, and Buddy Request!

  1. I’m not 100% sure I can to the NaNoWriMo, at least not this year, primarily as I’ve got a lot of new stuff happening at home and not sure I could ‘officially’ commit. But that doesn’t mean I can’t try my hand at doing a little writing during the month and pushing myself. I think I’m a weird combo of planner and pantser. I plan a LOT of stuff but in my head lol. Then I know what to write but none of my ‘plans are written down….no wonder I’m all over the place, too much stuff in my head lol.
    On a serious note I wish you best of luck 🙂 ❤ and I hope you enjoy it. (I love the NaNo Cat by the way 😀 )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NaNo Cat inspires me. If you break it down, it is only 1667 words a day. That might make participating a little less daunting. 🙂 Just here to help! If I do not slow down my brain I might turn into a plotter. lol I appreciate your good wishes! ❤ I will have fun even if I do not hit my mark. I hope you enjoy your writing during the month of November! Write as you can and have fun. Writing should be a fun thing in my opinion. Plus I get a groovey little widget to place on my blog that clocks my daily writing. I am like a racoon, I love the gadgets and gizmos that they create. ❤

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  2. Good luck with this, Vicki – it’ll be a great challenge for you to get stuck into. I tried it a few years ago, but since I write every day now, I wouldn’t be able to wait til November – got to do it when it’s in my head. In any case, I’ve already got two other novels to finish before starting a new one. So much to write, so little time…

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    1. I recently learned about plot bunnies. I have suffered from them for years and never realized what they were. Those things are in my brain multiplying like crazy. Here a litter of plots, there a litter of plots. It’s madness I say! I am working on three books myself. But always time for Nano!! 🙂

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  3. I just signed up last week! Had so much fun last year. I’m totally a plotter and have my novel all outlined ready to go. I’m with you on the plot bunnies! I was awake till 6am the other night/mirning, an entire new novel!


  4. Good luck with your NaNoWriMo! 🙂 I’ve decided to participate this year, and I am really excited about it (and also a little scared, because it’s a huge goal!!!!!). This is my first try at it, so I’m trying to plan a lot of things, but I have not done anything substantial… but I am not giving up (or, at least, not yet!!!!)

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    1. I am so excited for you to be participating for the first time. This perhaps is the breakthrough year! When you come out on the other side of the month, you may have the first steps of your first novel. Editing is for December and January. I hope you will invite me to be a buddy on there and we can cheer each other along. If you fall short on any given day, do not fret, make it up the next. Enjoy the month. It is a lovely way to instill the writing habit. 🙂 I am so happy for you! Keep me informed!!

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