Mystery Thriller Week Book Review: Blurred Vision by Chris Botragyi

Blurred Vision: Seven billion voices about to be silencedBlurred Vision: Seven billion voices about to be silenced by Chris Botragyi

  • Print Length: 185 pages
  • Publisher: Britain’s Next Bestseller (September 23, 2016)
  • Publication Date: September 23, 2016
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English


My Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Review:


This book is written in such a way that the story unfolds in each character’s stream of events. Allowing you to know what is happening at the present time, but also what has lead up to the events. It is a very interesting way to read this intense story so that you know exactly what is going on. Even when the situation is murky and unclear, I was able to follow along and piece the story together in a way that made sense.

The writing is really nicely done. The tension is present and the horror of what these men are witnessing and going through. There is a grittiness to the writing that makes it feel authentic. You know that in this situation, that is how people with these distinct personalities would behave. That alone is a sign to me of writing skill. The telling of a story in a way that flows well, while keeping you so in touch with the basic emotions of the participants that you feel what they feel and it feels right.

Yes there is a danger present in the story and yes, you know things are not looking so well for the human race, but you can not stop hoping that something will change, something will repair itself and things will be good in the end. It keeps you interested and invested in these men.

I enjoyed this so much and I am not exactly one that loves to read about creatures that have a face that only an alien mother could love, but this one totally drew me in.

Tom, General James Hargreaves, John, Daniel, and Mark all facing a dire and uncertain future and we are allowed to take this trip into the unknown with them. I am very glad I made this trip.

I am posting this review during  Mystery Thriller Week. The annual event to celebrate mystery and thriller authors, bloggers, and fans.

Where to Find BOOK NAME:

This Science Fiction thriller is available on Kindle.

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