Blogger Recognition Award




I want to thank  Paula  from Moonlight for nominating me for this award. I am really honored to have a blogger that I respect name me as a nominee.  I always enjoy going to the Moonlight Psychology blog and slowly translate the posts. The blog is about dealing with and removing the stigma about mental illness.  There is much work needed on that front and it is a powerful blog. Awesome job on the fully English post!

The Rules:

  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two advice to new bloggers.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and prove a link to their blog.
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

What caused me to start my blog:

I had been unable to write for pleasure for several years. I needed to write. There were characters and stories in my head. I was not able to put them down in writing.  I started sharing my personal book reviews in order to spark the creative juices that were being stifled. My logic was that if I can write an interesting book review, then perhaps I can once again write creatively.  I hope that I can make one person at least smile or even laugh. I also want others to know the joy reading gives me.  Perhaps it  is a selfish pleasure that I am compelled to share. 

Two pieces of advice on Blogging: 

  • If  you find something that appeals to you, post it or write about it. Share that joy. 
  • The more you post the easier it becomes.

My Nominees:

  1. America On Coffee
  2. SparkyJen
  3. Alternate Dimension
  4. My Random Blog
  5. Randoms by a Random
  6. The Wine Wankers
  7. The Orang-utan Librarian
  8. My Crazy Life
  9. Looking Out My Window
  10. Motivation with Dehan
  11. A Bibliophile’s Obsession
  12. Junior Chills
  13. Bikurgurl
  14. Words We Women Write
  15. Imagalaxygirl




I am just so excited that I was nominated for this award. Thank you again Moonlight Psychology.  I have only been blogging since October yet in that short amount of time  I have found some of the most wonderful people in the blogosphere. I had a very hard time picking just 15 to Nominate.  Enjoy the rest of your day!. 



15 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. I appreciated your story on why you started your book reviews. It reminded me of a similarity in how I started. I didn’t know what to do, so picked something I could be interested in every day. CONGRATS on your nomination!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations Vick for this lovely award! 🙂 “If you find something that appeals to you, post it or write about it. Share that joy. ” That is one jewel of an advice you have shared! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I agree with your thoughts on the more you post, the easier it becomes (says someone whose blog consists almost entirely of pictures of her dog). Conversely, I always find that if I am not posting, it’s really easy to just continue not to post. I don’t seem to have anything in me that says, “hey, you haven’t posted in two days. You had better get something up.” Instead, it’s more “hey, you haven’t posted in two days. Eh, one more won’t hurt.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have been on both sides of that fence. Right now, I am all about the daily posts.
      I was not quite so disciplined in October, November and December. 🙂 By the way, I love dog posts, I have been known to post an occasional picture of my dogs too. ( they hate the phone they believe it steals their souls)
      Your Darth Vader jokes are hilarious! Keep going, you are making an impact on me and many others!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I will look forward to some dog pictures (and likely go back to look for previously posted ones).

        I think I have at least started to recognize my tendency toward “an object at rest…”; I have been pretty much posting every day now for a few months. And when I don’t, I usually have a pretty good excuse. I guess recognition is part of the battle here!

        Liked by 1 person

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