First Reveal: Three Projects Out in the Open!

As you know I love to read and I love to write. I don’t know which I love more I also love to combine the two loves with writing reviews. That is not going to change in the least.

Nine days ago I mentioned a secret project. The truth of the matter is there are two super secret projects and one addendum on a project.

For the last nine days I have been burning the candles on both ends to see if my secret projects held any possibility. After nine days, I can absolutely say, Yes, yes they can.

I am here to reveal my projects. Assuring that they have my full backing and support. If I announce it, it will come true. This isn’t a wish, it is am ongoing project. See what I did there?



Behind Curtain Number 1 we have Project one, behold!

Project one:

The modification and reissue of the Path of the Child. My first book and I admit it was quite a leap for me.  Now I see the mistakes I made with that first publication and I have been working on the re-writing and editing. I have always been proud of my first book and I still am.  I just believed it needed a little do-over. The goal is to get those pesky errors out and a new cover on.

I am extremely thrilled to get rid of my newb cover and get a real cover on there.

The name is going to be the same and the story line is the same. The main difference, more fleshing out the characters and more actual action,  less narration.  I have known there were errors and shortcomings, that’s why I give it out instead of linking to the purchase site.  Now, I have made that decision and it felt the time was perfect. that being said, my heart and head were in the right place to correct my first baby.

Six thousand new words, deleted about three thousand words. The result?  It appears to flow smoother and draw a more vivid picture. The cover is almost ready to reveal. I can not wait to see (and share) the final version. It is so close to ready, I can’t stand it!

If you have picked up the Path of the Child, wait until the reissue in about two weeks to read it. you will be much happier with the new product.


Next we step over to the large cardboard box spectacularly decked out in last year’s Christmas paper:  Tada!



Project Two:

I am currently working on the sequel to The Path of the Child. I am currently writing this and it is going well. It will be part of the Path Series. While I was doing the re-write on The Path of the child, two new characters came to me, auditioned for a part in the new book and voila we have a new direction that I was not exactly expecting.  That is the part of writing I love the most, The moment  an unknown  character (or two)  taps at my mind’s window and begs for a spot in the story.

These two people have not only begged for an audition, they brought their own story along with them. All I have to do is type it for them. These are two active characters that will bring a new life to the story.  I have flipflopping on whether or not to share the title. I think I want to. I love the title.Did I not mention I can not keep things quiet?

The Title is: The Path to the Past.

It will pick up at the end of the first book and follow Melanie as she adjusts to her new life.  The places my outline is taking me is amazing. I am so enthused about this new story line.  I already have some chapters completed and I am committed to this sequel. Most of the reviews I have on Amazon say they wish there was a sequel. Now they get what they wanted. Oh the places Melanie will go!


I hope no one is expecting a brand new car. Behind the sliding door, bedazzled to a fair the well ,  we have:  Hold your applause please!



Project Three:

The Shepherds of Donaldson Park has been completed. As far as the first draft goes.  I am knee deep into the re-writing editing portion. I got a little discouraged when my little pup died. She and her brother were the muse of the book. They were who two of the shepherds in the book were based on. Sometimes they were not just based on them, there were anecdotal stories that actually happened, mixed in with a little fiction. They each put a paw print on a little contract I drew up that said I could use their antics in the book.

Needless to say, when my little girl, Arrow got sick and passed over, I was missing one of my muses. Now that some time has passed I can look at the manuscript and not get sick to my stomach. A vast improvement by the way. I couldn’t say that two weeks ago.

I am back to the re-writing and editing portion of book three. Everyone on this blogosphere has been so kind and so sweet and that helped so much. I am now in a place where I can create and enhance all three books.

This officially outs my secret and I hope you will join me in the writing, editing and publishing process over the next few months. This is an exciting journey, one I am ready to take.


I sincerely hope you will travel this path with me.


I would love to connect with you on these other sites, just click below:

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22 thoughts on “First Reveal: Three Projects Out in the Open!

    1. Thank you Brooke 🙂 you are a sweetheart! I am excited, I never can hold back form sharing. I might be called an over sharer LOL When the new book releases, I will send you a copy. I feel like Oprah you get a copy and you get a copy!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Good Luck! I’m so happy for you. As a writer, I know exactly what it’s like to finish a manuscript, have it ready for publication, and then say nope, this isn’t working. I’m doing the same thing right now with my first book and trying to force myself to do copy edits on the second one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh good luck with yours too! How exciting for you! It is hard, I was given some good advice on it and it has really helped me focus on what changes were needed. Reading it again in that frame of mind, it all became clear. 🙂 Do you share your progress?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I have an editor I work with but I’m starting to realize she’s more of a proofreader than copy editor, so I was thinking about asking a few blogger friends to beta read. One already said she’d read my books and give feedback. I think beta readers are so important to authors. I haven’t shared much progress on my blog. I had a Kindle ready file and a professional cover on my first book, then decided to cut some of the story. Now I’m thinking about switching it from YA to adult. I’m all over the place. I have interest from a few publishers on my second manuscript but I haven’t finished the copy edits. I really should work on that soon and send them out. I got the cover back for the second book on Friday and it’s quite brilliant. I’m really impressed.


  2. That is awesome. I had an editor and I was disappointed in the mistakes she left in place. I am glad you have professionals helping you. But I am moving on and not worrying about that now. I am too excited and motivated to stay annoyed. 🙂 How do you find Beta readers?


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