The Shepherds of Donaldson Park Away From Home For the First Time

Friday began a week of loneliness and insecurity. My little book that has been my constant companion since April 1st is spending the week at four beta readers houses. My little secret project with its lively characters and over the top bad girl behavior is now out being read by strangers.curmudgeon

Before this happened a little curmudgeon in my head kept telling me, throw it out, it isn’t funny, You are going to be sorry if you publish this thing. I do not get along with my mental curmudgeon . I find him overly mean and bitter.

I am a funny girl, how dare I have a mean curmudgeon living in my head. Anyway, I digress, The time came for someone other than me to read and evaluate the shepherds and their people.

Off they went in various forms to be judged, weighed, and measured and hopefully laughed at. Hopefully to be found with redeeming qualities. It is hard to let your little book that has been your closely guarded secret out into the world. But nevertheless, off they went. I am a wreck. I want to defend each little mistake, each little confusing bit of dialog, but I put on my big girl pants and wait to hear where I wrote effect instead of affect and that particularly  annoying word “Then” too many times. I know some of my grammar issues, not all. I wish I had a better grasp on grammar, so I didn’t have to rely on another person to tackle it.
Me, I have stories in my head, several stories at a time, with a complete cast of characters. It is a beehive of activity up there. I have beta readers and editors to help me with the details. Out of it all, I hope you find the lovable story of two people and their three shepherds as fun and alive as I find them in my head.

This is a big step for the Shepherds. I packed them up and sent them out, knowing they would come home a better representation of themselves. After all, isn’t that what we all do with our babies at one time or another?

While the Shepherds are away, I will work on their cover. Oh yes, the curmudgeon has something to say about that too.

I sincerely want to thank the four Beta readers for agreeing to put their seal of approval on my precious story. I hope they will come back with lots of little tips on making it a better product. I am truly excited to be this close to publication.

By the way, anyone that made it down to this point, let me tell you I have another super secret project in the works.shh…  It is totally different and I have an illustrator working with me. Guesses are accepted and appreciated. Thanks for reading all of my posts and let me know you saw this final announcement. This project will take me through Christmas and is very dear to my heart. I can’t wait to tell more about it.  I started the newest project Wednesday. Super excited to be writing.

20 thoughts on “The Shepherds of Donaldson Park Away From Home For the First Time

  1. Wow, I have no idea what the secret project is but I hope it goes well! :). Don’t worry about your beta reads, I hope they go well and I hope your readers give you honest feedback. Actually you ay need to ask them some questions I found a link on B&E group I’ll find it and post it here :).. How long is that book by the way? Out of curiosity, full length novel?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Great document. Thanks for sharing.
      I’ve been unsuccessful in finding beta readers. I’ve Teeted and FB’d and WP’d. After years on the I-net, the workings of social media with so many platforms is a challenge. Whenever I post to the ‘public,’ the same, few acquaintances reply or like, etc… . Hardly ever a comment. Very frustrating.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I did not fare well with the beta readers. It was good fit the first chapters then not do much.

        Looking for the magic formula for readers.

        Thfbj you got keying me know it is not just me struggling with this issue. Have s wonderful holiday.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks though I can’t take the credit for writing it, but it’s really good advice. The trouble with beta readers is that you need someone who is willing and able to critique work. Of course you don’t want someone who’s going to rubbish your work entirely but that critical eye is key, and for that it also means the writer needs to be able to take the criticism on board – not an easy job for either side. Good luck with hunting out betas. Though I’ve not done it yet, I’ve now been asked by two author’s to beta read their work. Some people suggest there are critique groups that people can join, either via goodreads or other ways, perhaps that’s somewhere to find someone? Though I’ve also come across a few authors who’s work wasn’t so good because their critique group was too positive and not critical enough lol.
        Good luck on recruiting beta readers though. I’ve found the same frustration with social media, though I’m not recruiting people as beta readers, I only have a handful of the same people commenting on my blog or twitter/facebook, despite having a large collective following now. There might be some groups you could ask on facebook or goodreads, perhaps ask others where they have gotten their betas and if anybody’s interested? Not sure what else to say . Good luck again :).

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  2. It IS hard to send our loved ones (whether kids or writing projects) out to the wolves of the real world! I love my freelance editor. She is very tough – which, after I cried for three days after getting my first project back, is exactly the type of editor I needed. Can’t wait to hear what your new super project is. A children’s book (since you have an illustrator)? Something for your younger grandkids? Good luck!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks for following Old Fossil’s Library as I jump in the deep end of the pool, Vickie! I appreciate all the follows on OFW and hope the new page doesn’t lose me any friends!

    I just want you to know that, though I don’t always comment on all the sites I follow very much, I do read them! And I learn a great deal for that reading…especially on how to conduct a review page. For this, I add you to thank for that!

    As for your Shepherds book, or any other – having even an outstanding grasp on all things language doesn’t insure against even really glaring mistakes! I’m OCD about it, thanks to Mama, bless her, but I’ve been caught with missing nouns and verbs, double words (“she saw the bird” can become “she the the bird” more often than you know!!) enough to be embarrassed for days!

    Good luck on both of your projects!


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    1. I can’t wait to see how the Library takes off! Isn’t it funny, after reading the book day on and day out, I had “she she” written on the first page, and no one caught it until I got the proof in the mail. I had beta readers and an editor, and it passed each one. Thank you for your good wishes! I appreciate them. I appreciate your really kind words. 🙂

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