Arizona and Japan, So Close Yet, So Far Apart!

If you have ever read my about me page, or you know me from out in the world, then you know I lived in Arizona for ten years. I moved there on New Years night 2000 and I left for Kentucky in July 2010.

One of the things that impressed me so much while living in Arizona was the pride of the Japanese Americans that flew their flags so proudly. They flew them over car dealerships, they flew them at Mom and Pop stores. They seemed to be everywhere. That beautiful rising sun shone brightly over Phoenix.


It was only when I had changed jobs in 2006 that I noticed even the banks and credit unions flew the Japanese Rising Sun flag. I didn’t understand this.  Even Bank of America and other national banks flew the Japanese flag.

In the land of she thinks she knows so much, it is acceptable to ask questions without fear. Everyone has questions, don’t they?

So a few days after starting, I marched into my brand new Manager’s office and asked her directly. “Why does the credit union fly the Japanese flag? In orientation, they said the founders of the Credit Union were schoolteachers, women that had lived here all their lives? I also noticed that they were not Japanese?”

“What? What do you mean?” She looked genuinely confused.

I  pointed out her window at the flag that was vibrantly flapping in the breeze and said. “The flag, the Japanese flag, why do they have it up here?”

Arizona Flag

“Vicki, that is the Arizona state flag, not the Japanese flag.”

Arazona's not flag

I simply turned around, left her office, and went back to my desk. Sure, I heard her laughing, I just chose to ignore it.  I never mentioned it again. I did have a little song running through my brain. You know the one, it involves feeling like a nut.

Bet you can’t tell when candy bar I felt like that day.

Want to make me feel better and share your “knows so much” story?


Book Review: Blogging is Murder by Gilian Baker

Blogging is Murder: A Jade Blackwell MysteryBlogging is Murder: A Jade Blackwell Mystery by Gilian Baker

    • Print Length: 216 pages
    • Publication Date: February 19, 2017
    • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
    • Language: English


My Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Continue reading “Book Review: Blogging is Murder by Gilian Baker”

The Horizontal Coffeemaker

When I am sleepy, as seldom as that is, I have a struggle.  Once I lay on my left side, my right brain becomes as fluid as coffee.  A stream of thoughts images and plots pour into the carafe that must be residing in my left brain.  The horizontal coffeemaker once again stirs me out of bed where I write down the stream of consciousness before it cools.



Trouble in Thinks She Knows So Much Land. 

Had too much time on my hands.  So what else should I do but run about willy nilly on my admin settings?

Which means I clicked something that makes no sense to me. The question of the day becomes, “Why should I  be surprised when suddenly everything behaves wonky?”

Lesson learned, for today, anyway.

Crash “#$#$#” went the comments and notifications. I am still not sure what I clicked. At this point, I am just glad I found it to unclicked.  Comments and notifications are right back where they belong.

admin tools

Vicki’s Admin Tools







Making Goodreads a Partner in your Success Story

Goodreads is a site I go to on a regular basis. Both as an author with books listed and as a reader with reviews showing. I created my account before I became an author and I write under a pseudonym so I didn’t think to check and see if my book was up there. Then one day I checked.  It was there!  I had to make a new account to attach it to the author page. From there, it was a  race to learn as fast as possible how to make Goodreads a good fit for me. Me the author, not me the reviewer.

Continue reading “Making Goodreads a Partner in your Success Story”

A Lovely Award Nomination!


Blogger recognition award


Thank you, Robbie Cheadle from Robbie’s Inspiration for nominating me for this award. Robbie was sweet enough to nominate me for this as I was recuperating from Mystery Thriller Week.  I really appreciate you thinking of me.
Continue reading “A Lovely Award Nomination!”

While I was engrossed in MTW This happened!


Yes! I have over 1000 followers now. I love each one of you too. I mean you took the time to follow me and in return, I follow your blogs too.  I hope you are still happy with the content of the posts.

I am still loving reviewing books. Maybe I should explain that I am not a reviewer of analytical discussion and grammar policing. I am a reviewer that tells you why I loved, liked, or tolerated a book.

If I do not like the book or found it unappealing while reading, I do not post about it. My personal philosophy is: Why should I waste my energy and time to share a book that I found terrible?  Why even clutter my friend’s brains with the mundane and bad? You can go to other sites for that. Goodreads and Amazon are where you can find bad books.  Not on The Page Turner.

I also hope that you enjoy my little misadventures with my family, writing and learning processes.  There is something freeing about sharing a vacation, a productive day of writing, or just a fun day.

Thank you all for following me.  I enjoy your pages immensely and I hope you find something entertaining about mine.

Here is a rare picture: 


Mufasa sharing a Sweet Boy moment. (few and far between) 



Snap Chat Pop Quiz!


The correct answer is worth 50 points! 

Who’s that hiding under those glasses, that toboggan, and beard?



Why it’s Audrey Hepburn of course!  



An Hour with Vicki and Sojourner McConnell. Fun with Yvonne Mason

I was so honored to be asked by Yvonne Mason to be on her online radio program. She is a mystery/thriller writer in her own right, and I was excited to say yes.  I am starting her book The Mad Hatter this evening and I can’t wait.

The hour-long event was so fun. Once I put my nerves aside. I am not the most outgoing person, but I am in line for the most talkative award.  The interview was about my writing as Sojourner McConnell and I was able to share the story behind The Path of the Child. I was also able to discuss Mystery Thriller Week and my WIPs .

Continue reading “An Hour with Vicki and Sojourner McConnell. Fun with Yvonne Mason”

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas!

Here we are the day before Christmas. I am still sitting next to a stove with a roaring fire and am preparing for a day of cookie making excitement with the family.  I am thinking about the people I am not near this holiday and missing you. Yet, I am so excited to be sharing this holiday with Casey, Ken, Raevyndaun, Vykktoria, Vladmier, and Valerie.  This is a Christmas present that  I have been enjoying for two weeks and I am still having a blast.

Sure, I found the Frozen tundra plague and have been coughing and hacking to beat that band, but I also have had some beautiful children bringing me cups of tea and pb&j sandwiches in order to make me feel better.  That makes the cold tolerable.

My gifts to the family will bring even more opportunities for snuggling together and I can’t wait to share them with the children.  Even as I miss my little Sarah and the Alabama kids as well as Jacob and Nathan, I am truly having a wonderful time. My heart is full.


While I am here looking at a frozen Lake Michigan, and you are in another part of the world celebrating Christmas alone, know you are in my thoughts and my heart.


Snap chat holiday picture!


Merry Christmas everyone!