Indie Author Day is October 8, 2016

I am slow on the uptake and just found out about Indie Author day. Today I spoke to one of the librarians at my local library and they did not know about the special day either. John at the  Clark County Library said he would look into it. I hope they are able to find a way to celebrate it with the people in the county. For a state by state and county by county listing of participating libraries, you can click here.


Speaking of Libraries, this week I will be attending my very first writer’s group this Friday at 10:00. If you know me by now, you will know that I am a bit timid,and I do not leave my house much.  I fly solo like most writers and enjoy my alone time with the computer, my books, and my notepads. So attending this is my big step out into this wide world of other writers. I was asked to bring five pages of written material with me from a current work in progress or something else I was writing. I was also asked to bring 2 copies of my book for the library to have in their local author’s area. How exciting is that?

But, I digress, back to the topic at hand.  Indie Author Day. I am so excited that there is a day celebrating all the indie authors. Some of the indie authors are becoming quite well known. Authors like,  Ana Spoke, have sold thousands of copies of  Shizzle, Inc. and continues to create even more books, like Indiot,  in her Isa Maxwell series. Colleen Hoover has also made quite a name for herself in the Indie market with her books,  Finding Cinderella and Maybe Not. There is a real market for Indie books and it is a wonderful thing that Indie Author Day exists.

So check with your own local library and see if they have anything special planned for October 8, 2016. Libraries are for so much more than just borrowing a book. There are adult reading groups, adult writing groups and at our local library, there is a local  history group. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet people that love books, history, and reading as much as you do.

11 thoughts on “Indie Author Day is October 8, 2016

  1. Snap! I’m also attending my first writing group at 10.00 tomorrow morning! 😀 After a few weeks of procrastination I took up the courage to call them and although nervous look forward to sharing and discussing…quite a few bloggers out there have been kind enough to ‘push’ me in this direction for a while. Good luck with your first session, have fun and I’d love to know how it goes! Also fantastic about being asked to bring copies of your books along for the library. Attending a writing talk last night I met with some lovely local writers and it’s great for Indie authors to get recognition – and specially so today.

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    1. Good luck on your writing group !! I know I am nervous about bringing in work for them to listen to me read with my southern accent. It was quite a surprise that they wanted my book to shelve. Let me know how your group goes too!

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  2. My library is hosting an event promoting self-published books they have available on the 8th. There is an associated lecture from one of the staff members who will be explaining how they acquire self-published books and why there aren’t more of them, available in the library systems. I am certainly intrigued.

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    1. That is awesome. I wish my library had known about it in advance. I mentioned it yesterday, not sure if they will try to put something together. I hope you enjoy yours! It sounds interesting. If you have some, take a couple and maybe they will shelve them. 🙂 I hope they do!

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